Member of the Month
November 2024

Peyton Weeks
Congratulations to Peyton for being nominated as our Member of the Month! Peyton is a senior studying Biochemistry, and has been with the squad for about two years. The following was said about him in his nomination:
"Peyton has gone above and beyond as a member. Around the station he is constantly helping probates practice skills and participating in drills. He has gone above and beyond and I am very impressed by his work."
Thank you for your service, Peyton!
October 2024

Sarah Pudwill
Congratulations to Sarah for being nominated for Member of the Month! She is a junior studying Biomedical Engineering, and has been with the squad for a year and a half. The following was said about her in her nomination:
"The staff officers and line officers are some of the busiest individuals on the squad. They put alot alot of time into the squad and sometimes put forth more time than they actually have, which is very admirable. Because of this, one of the most important qualities of being an officer is learning how to triage projects/squad work. As we all know, with triaging, sometimes things HAVE to get dropped in order to keep things ticking. This often results in the predominantly arduous/time consuming tasks getting dropped. These tasks, however, are often what separates an agency or a department from being adequate and from going above and beyond. Sarah has taken on so many of these extra little projects with open arms. Continuously, she has taken on tasks which really require one to sit down and spend hours at something. Two primary examples I noticed include Sarah giving her time to help technical rescue with the organization and purchase of new gear, and assisting greatly in much of the technical troubleshooting for the monitors. I have personally gotten into physical altercations with the monitors and the jetpack when they would not work. Therefore, I thank Sarah for streamlining the vital transmissions and troubleshooting our monitors."
Thank you for your hard work and service, Sarah!